Recapturing Mighty Joe Young: Promotion and Propaganda

‘ . . . the power that could pulverise a city!: Post-war and Cold War Joe

Original press book centrefold poster, RKO Pictures (1949)/Poster for the 1953 re-release of Mighty Joe Young, signed by Ray Harryhausen; School of Art Museum and Galleries, Aberystwyth University. Purchase: Private collection, 2017

The poster art by Gene Widhoff, based on Willis O’Brien’s drawings, exaggerates the height of the gorilla and emphasises the destructiveness of his power. The post-war story of a tormented outsider exploited for profit is repackaged as a formulaic monster movie for the Cold War era.

Navigating the Display

Recapturing Mighty Joe Young: Introduction

Ray Harryhausen: Influence and Inspiration

Mighty Joe Young: The Album

Mighty Joe Young: Cast and Crew

Mighty Joe Young: Promotion and Propaganda

1940s Animation

Drawing and Animation Workshops

The Raymond Durgnat Bequest